Tap Social x Fauna Start Somewhere 440ml


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5.1% American Wit

This collaboration between Tap Social and Fauna Brewing is our take on a modern American wit. We brewed Start Somewhere with a blend of four grains and three hops, then fermented it with Fermo-Weiss yeast that helps spotlight the beer's bready, banana profile and accentuate its soft citrus notes. Packaged in 440ml cans.

With its focus on conservation and environmentalism, Fauna Brewing has to date donated more than £3,000 to charity partners that help protect cheetahs, wild dogs, and pangolins in Africa. Fauna and Tap Social believe that everyone should strive to make positive changes that combat climate change and species decline. It doesn’t matter whether actions are big or small—what’s important is that we Start Somewhere before it’s too late.

UK law insists that you must be 18 years or over to place an order with us. By placing an order you confirm that you are at least 18 years old. 

All deliveries must be signed for by an adult. We reserve the right not to accept any orders.. For the facts about alcohol visit drinkaware.co.uk