Pocketful of Stones, Dr Squid Gin, 70CL
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Dr Squid Gin, 70CL
The distillery
From behind the bar, to the distillery and back to the bar.
That, in short, is the Pocketful of Stones story.
We’d love to share an elaborate, well-structured story with you here about how everything we’ve done led to this point. The truth is that we all worked and lived together in bars in central London. We made loads of friends, had lots of fun, and created all kinds of memories – most of which we can’t talk about on the website.
Maybe, more importantly, we all learned lots and lots about spirits and fell in love with their rich history. Abandoning the crowds of London for the wilds of Cornwall, we are pouring all that experience into Pocketful of Stones.
Here, we invite you to join in our journey…
Flask notes
Made with real squid ink from a secret recipe created in Penzance Cornwall. This unique addition is served from a copper flask engraved with the scenery, wildlife, folklore, and history that surrounds them.
Dr Squid pours black and turns pink to create the perfect G&T!
Tech Specs
Volume: 70CL
Alcohol: 40% VOL
UK law insists that you must be 18 years or over to place an order with us. By placing an order you confirm that you are at least 18 years old.
All deliveries must be signed for by an adult. We reserve the right not to accept any orders.. For the facts about alcohol visit drinkaware.co.uk