André Robert Les Jardins du Mesni


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The Story of a Family

The Ro­bert Cham­pagne Es­tate is above all a fa­mily bu­si­ness. The RO­BERT fa­mily have been culti­va­ting vines for se­ve­ral ge­ne­ra­tions.

Claire Robert et ses Parents

Henri RO­BERT (1881-1948) began wor­king on vi­neyards after the 1st World War when vines were plan­ted “en foule”. In the 1930s he es­ta­bli­shed the first group of wine-far­mers in order to share equip­ment nee­ded for pres­sing and wine-ma­king.

la Famille Robert

At the start of the 2nd World War, André ROBERT  (born in 1925) began to work in the vineyard with the use of a horse. In 1960 he bought the Estate as it is today with its amazing chalk-stone cellars for ageing dating back to the 19th century – and began to sell his own bottled champagne in 1962.

Ba­thed in the world of cham­pagne throu­ghout his child­hood, Ber­trand RO­BERT took over the es­tate in 1961, with his wife Co­lette joi­ning him in 1990.

Zéro Dosage


Le Mesnil Sur Oger


100% Chardonnay Grand Cru


In steel vats - 30% in wood barrels. Aging on lees – Without malolactic fermentation. A low dosage revealing all the purity of the soil and of the wine. Prolonged aging on lees in bottles (5 to 6 years).

Dosage: Zéro Dosage


To the eye, the wine has a light golden colour. To the nose, the wine gives scents of chalk, some spice notes. On the palate, a precise wine which shows a high purity.

To be tasted at a temperature of 10 to 12 ° C.

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