Innocent Bystander Pink Moscato


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Innocent Bystander Pink Moscato

This Pink Moscato has become a great big phenomenon. And, why not? It's the very definition of fun. Originating in northern Italy's Piedmont, it is light in alcohol, fantastically fizzy and shows summer fruits, rose petal and Turkish delight.

“Aussie Moscato doesn’t come better than this. Bright fuchsia colour with a fine froth of foam; pristine muscat aromatics and intense fruit flavour, which persists and satisfies, and doesn’t rely on sugar. Ageing: Don’t wait.” - Huan Hooke

UK law insists that you must be 18 years or over to place an order with us. By placing an order you confirm that you are at least 18 years old. 

All deliveries must be signed for by an adult. We reserve the right not to accept any orders.. For the facts about alcohol visit

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